Key Stage 3 "Engaging pupils in their Learning"
Underpinning our curriculum is the inclusive ethos of the school. We strive to help all young people develop a positive attitude towards their studies and to inspire a belief in their ability to make real and lasting progress. A broad and balanced curriculum, which covers the statutory elements of the Northern Ireland Curriculum and develops the cross-curricular skills - Communication, ICT and Using Mathematics, is offered to all pupils in Key Stage 3. Pupils also have opportunities to develop their personal capabilities and thinking skills in the class room; managing themselves, working with others, developing thinking skills, participating in decision making and problem solving across all the areas of study.
At whole school level there is a clear emphasis on raising standards particularly in Literacy and Numeracy. Teachers employ a wide range of teaching and learning strategies to engage pupils and foster their love of learning. Tasks are differentiated to take account of learners’ ability and assessment tasks are carefully devised to measure pupils’ progress. Throughout Key Stage 3 young people are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning through peer and self-assessment activities.

In Key Stage 3 all pupils study:
Physical Education
Technology & Design
Information Technology
Religious Education
Home Economics
Learning for Life and Work
Our College offers every pupil the opportunity to develop their own strengths and talents. We strive to ensure that every pupil is catered for in terms of their academic, sporting, creative and social skills.