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Our college has strong and effective home school links. We keep in touch with parents in the traditional manner through notes in planners, phone calls home, parent meetings but we also have new and more instant methods of communicating with parents - such as texts, social media, our web-site, app and parent workshops. Every year group has a parent morning or afternoon where parents can meet with their child’s teachers and discuss their progress.

Primary Schools

Our college enjoys excellent relationships with local primary schools. We believe that good partnerships can help make the transition process much easier for our pupils. The school is involved in a range of projects with feeder schools in Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Drama, Languages and Sport. The school engages with P7 teachers to facilitate an exchange of academic and pastoral information about pupils who are transferring.


Rural Learning Community

Our college plays an active role in the Rural Learning Partnership, a network of local colleges including St. Colm’s College, Draperstown, St. Patrick’s College, Maghera and the Northern Regional College. The community provides opportunities for staff training, collaboration and the sharing of good practice and resources.

Statutory and Voluntary Agencies

By working with a range of statutory, voluntary organisations we address elements of the preventative curriculum and support young people in danger of marginalisation. Engaging with these bodies helps us to instil moral courage and creativity in young people, encouraging them to make a positive impact on the community they live in through charity work, faith life and the sharing of skills, resources and expertise.

Business and Industry

As part of our careers programme we have developed outstanding links with local businesses and employers. These partnerships have enabled us to highlight vital links between school life and the world of life and work. Participating in Interview Skills Days and Work Experience allows our young people to develop the skills and resilience they need for the next stage of their education while participating in workshops, visits and presentations helps them acquire independence, innovation and creativity.

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