Pastoral Care "A child centred School"
The welfare of our pupils is of paramount importance. There is a strong sense of college community and the school works in partnership with a wide range of voluntary and statutory organisations to support young people and help them develop the skills they need to make an active contribution to the world they live in. Our Pastoral Leader, Heads of Year and Form Tutors work as a team to ensure young people in the college are challenged and supported socially, emotionally and academically throughout their school career.
Form Teachers meet their form class daily and monitor their attendance, progress and well-being.
The Form Teacher delivers the Learning for Life and Work programme and encourages pupils to develop their knowledge and understanding of Personal and Social Education, Citizenship and Employability.
In every Year Group, Form Teachers are led by a Head of Year who has pastoral and disciplinary responsibility for the Year Group.
The Form Teachers and Head of Year promote positive partnership between home and school in terms of attendance, learning and pupil well-being.
The outstanding pastoral provision in our school, characterised by excellent relationships and genuine care among all members of the school community, effectively supports learning in the college.
As a school we promote a safe, orderly and caring environment. We recognise that effective Teaching and Learning can only take place when there is a positive attitude to study and respectful, responsible behaviour in the classroom. Teachers clearly express their expectations and use sanctions and rewards to promote high levels of behaviour and learning. Rewarding and recognising pupil achievements in an essential part of our school ethos. We have a positive rewards system in place which encourages pupils to take responsibility for their behaviour, actions and learning. Each half term pupils who achieve 100% attendance and/or achieve the target number of merit points are rewarded for their efforts.